Saturday, September 1, 2007

Aumix configuration

In order to make aumix start at the boot, you should:
[root@slackware12]#mv /root/.aumixrc /etc/

The best way to understand what links are is to look at an example.
$ pwd
$ ls
$ touch a
$ ls -il a
34687 -rw-rw-r-- i slack slack 01 sep 22 10:45 a
The -i option of the ls command prints the inode number, which is the first field on the output.
As you can see, before we reated file a, there were no files in the directory.
The other fiel of interest is the third one, which is the number of file links (well, inode links, in fact
The touch a command can be separated into two distinct actions.
1- creation of an inode, to which the operating system hs given the number 34687, and whose type is the one of a regular file.
2- and creation of a link to this inome, named a, in the current directory, /home/slack/test.